
Web GPS Localization Service

Localize now
Your Satellite Unit

For your safety and tranquillity

This service (offered for free) allows to localize on the cartographic map your own satellite unit and the vehicle with the installed unit (in the case of the satellite units for the car) or the person that carries it with him/herself (as in the case of the portable unit "Amico").
To digit in the following sections for the Latitude and Longitude Information received from the your own Satellite Unit, then press the "Search" button to visualize on the map the unit position.

Localize the Portable Unit "Amico"


How to obtain the geographical coordinates from the portable unit " AMICO"
To obtain the geographical coordinates from the unit Authorized User you should simply call the unit itself deve (on thenumber of the internal SIM card). This takes the origin of the call, close the mobile connection without answering and send an automatic SMS to the user who asks for it, bu indicating the Latitude and Longitude.

Localize the Car Satellite Unit

Degree Minute Cent Minute
Latitude South North
Longitude East West

How to obtain the geographical coordinates from the Car Satellite Unit
To obtain the geographical coordinates from the Authorized User you can simply send an SMS to the unit itself (on the number of the internal mobile phone SIM card), so made : Password+ LOC. The password to insert is the one chosen during the activation system process. We also remid you to leave a space between the symbol “+” and the word “LOC”that has to be compulsorely written in capital letters. The units will send to the User an SMS, indicating the Latitude and the Longitude coordinates. During the data entry, select the options S, N, E and W. Here below there is an example: Lat.= 41.34.54N Long.= 012.38.82E Credit:035.To verify the position, insert in the Latitude section 413454 (select North) and in the longitude field insert 0123882 (select East).

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